Friday, January 16, 2009

Welcome to Bizarro World:Fan Mail from Jail

I got a letter from a convicted murder serving life in Oklahoma. The envelope was stamped on the back with official notice that the letter was from an inmate--a warning before I crossed the path of no return and opened it. Apparently, the inmate read an article on the science of media bias that I wrote for Scientific American. Not sure if he read it in print or online. (Could he have a subscription?)He wanted to alert me to his writings on media and justice system bias against victims--something he knows firsthand because, he says, he was wrongly convicted. Although I saw a photo of my 'pen pal' online, I won't link to it, not knowing what sort of chain reaction it could set off. I got a couple of letters from inmates at Somers, a prison here in Connecticut, back when I was an op-ed columnist. I appreciate it when someone takes the trouble to write; it's just always a little surprising to know you've come to the attention of someone sitting in the big house. He seems to have an interest in DNA , which may explain his interest in science magazines.

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