Wednesday, February 11, 2009

War Against Women in The Congo

The decade-long war in the Democratic Republic of the Congo claims at least 45,000 lives a month, according to an article in The Guardian written last year.

A brutal and vicious aspect of that war has been the violence against women. During the Monday, Feb. 9, 2009 broadcast of Democracy Now, Amy Goodman interviewed Playwright, V-Day Founder Eve Ensler and Congolese Gynecologist Dr. Denis Mukwege, who are raising awareness on the war on women in the DRC.

It's shocking, heartbreaking, outrageous...but definitely a call to action.

As a son of a loving and inspiring mother who taught me respect for women and all human beings; as a husband of a loving, thoughtful and caring wife; as brother of four sisters and father of four daughters, I pledge to dedicate my time and resources to fighting violence and abuse (both physical and mental) of women -- the first teachers of man -- at home and abroad.

Also, in my blog, I will be highlighting the accomplishments of women throughout history from the ancient to the present.


  1. There is a new play on Broadway about this called Ruined by Lynn Nottage. Also, filmmaker Lisa F. Jackson covered the topic in her documentary The Greatest Silence: Rape In The Congo. She interviews the rapists as well as the victims. It's really quite interesting and sad.

  2. Why the hell do we go to war for fake causes, all the while wearing the banner of "justice for all" then sit back while Holocaust 3.0 rages on? Get out of Iraq and Afganistan and get to the Congo! NOW.
